There are two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.

- Hodding Carter

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday Hugs

It's been quite a year; we can't keep up with time
It's hard to believe that it's nearly '09!

We've had a few updates, some big and some small
"The Man" changing jobs is the biggest of all.

In July he left home and to Maryland he went,
The commute isn't friendly and our patience is spent.

So now it's house-hunting; just where we don't know
Stay tuned for details at the blog down below.

As we close out this year and reflect on the past
Despite all the crazy, our blessings our vast.

Just what are these gifts? There are many to name
Being parents to two tops the list, that's the same!

There's also our health, our family and friends;
And the gift of our Savior, whose love never ends

At this time of the year, we wish you the best,
Many holiday hugs to our dear friends out West.

To everyone else; we wish you love too,
Our thoughts are still with you, in all that you do.

1 comment:

Suzie Soda said...

They are so cute...I hope it isn't too long before I see them. Let's meet for dinner. suz