There are two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.

- Hodding Carter

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stop moving my cheese!

Remember that book, Who Moved My Cheese?

I was required to read it when it was all the corporate rage.

The basic premise (if you haven't read it) is that "change" (or, "cheese," in this scenario) is going to happen ("move") whether we like it or not. Those of us who embrace the changes and chase after our cheese will succeed. Those of us who don't will end up lost in the maze, ultimately missing out on future opportunities.

Since I'm still employed by the company that required me to read this book, I will refrain on commenting further on why I think they really wanted us to read it, but I will say this:

At the time, I bought in to the idea of chasing after my cheese and felt like I was pretty good at doing so with a happy and positive attitude, but those days are long gone. Those were the days before I had kids -- when I could do and keep up with it all.

At this particular time in my life, my cheese is moving around like crazy. Things are changing so rapidly that I can barely keep up with what day it is. And the hardest part of all of it -- is that the old me could've handled it.

I was organized. I could keep up with a list. I could think and speak in complete sentences.

I don't know where the old me has gone, but if she's lucky, she's off on a beach somewhere enjoying some quiet time!

Don't get me wrong -- I absolutely love my life as a mother, but I'm having a hard time juggling it all. I've seriously got to pull it together and muddle through these changes the best I know how.

But it's so HARD!

Thankfully, I have the best family a girl could ask for. I have the kind of family who drives 2,700 miles to clean my house, pack boxes, watch my kids, hug me when I lose it, etc. I have no idea how I'd survive without them right now because truth be told, I'm a little "off" these days.

I'm hoping that at some point soon, the old me will meet up with the new me and come up with a new and improved me. That's the kind of change I could deal with.

1 comment:

Rachele Funk said...

Right there with you sister. . . I love my family, my kids, and even the work I am doing, but I truly miss my "old" life. . .