There are two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.

- Hodding Carter

Monday, March 8, 2010

Disney bound!

Sing it with me...

M - I - C...K - E - Y... M - O - U - S - E!

Can you tell I'm excited?

We are bound for Disney World in just 12 short days, and we can barely wait.

The Man has been working in Florida for the past four weeks so in additon to seeing Mickey, Minnie and the rest of the gang; we also get to see... Daddy!

Being apart has been hard on all of us and I for one am ready to do the parks and then bring The Man home. We'll see how it goes as there are big changes for his job in the works. However, that's a story for another day -- I can't think about that right now -- I'm too busy focusing on the fun we'll have with the kids as we explore Orlando.

OH! And did I mention that my mom is coming with us? We're going to celebrate the girls 5th birthday and her 60th -- a little late -- but in classic Disney-style. Fun will be had by all!

So, stay tuned for pictures and an update from the parks in a little less than two weeks! WOO HOO!!!

1 comment:

Grammy Suzzy said...

Hope you guys have a wonderful time...seeing Daddy, Mickey Mouse, and Grandma (whatever they call her...) Could life be any better for two sweet five year olds! And tell your Mom she doesn't look 60...Im gonna be 50 in July...and I feel every bit 60! Love to you all!!!